Fritz Hermann — Singer, Songwriter

We can change the climate change
Peter Fritz Hermann
We can change — (we can change)
the climate change (we can change).
C Em
We can change (we can change)
Am D7
the climate change.
We can change — (we can change)
the climate change (we can change).
C D7
We can change (we can change)
the climate change.
You can start at home and change
the light that shines on you.
Reduce, reuse, recycle,
Am D7
see what you can renew.
Look into the world wide web
E7 Am
and learn, what else to do.
Am7 D7
We can change the climate change
and save the world.
We can change ...
Realize — we can think twice
before we use the car.
Go by bus or catch a train,
find out where they are.
We can walk or ride the bike
when we haven’t to go far.
We can change the climate change
and save the world.
We can change ...
Imagine what we’ve got to loose
and what we have to save.
Encourage all our leaders,
it’s urgent to be brave.
The earth will still be needed
when you’re burried in your grave.
We can change the climate change
and save the world.
We can change ...
© 2010 Brummbär Verlag